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Speckyboy Author

Nathan Powell (8 Articles)

Founder of Two-time author, ongoing dad and part time mountain biker.
How to Find Your Client Alter Ego

How to Find Your Client Alter Ego

Let’s face it, finding clients is a drag. Finding the right client is a real drag, and finding the right client, who has money, wants to work with you and…

Wireframes… Who Needs Them?

Wireframes… Who Needs Them?

I do, and throughout this post I’ll try to explain why you do too. So what exactly are wireframes? Wireframes are visual representations of your websites structure, a blueprint to…

What Do You Do When the Project You’re Working on No Longer Excites You?

What Do You Do When the Project You’re Working on No Longer Excites You?

Inspiration and passion are a designers’ daily bread. Without them we crumble, wither and are reduced to mere pixels pushing hacks. But the problem with passion and inspiration is they’re…

The Five Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Before Starting Your Next Project

The Five Questions You Absolutely Must Ask Before Starting Your Next Project

No one likes to ask difficult questions. When put in a situation of potential conflict or social awkwardness, we tend to shy away and opt for a more comfortable scenario….

Repeat Work and the Search For The Holy Grail

Repeat Work and the Search For The Holy Grail

We as freelancers, spend a certain amount of our time worrying about where our next job will come from. We probably worry more about future clients than perhaps about our…

Guidelines to Writing an Effective Web Design Proposal

Guidelines to Writing an Effective Web Design Proposal

Writing website proposals is boring. There are no two ways about it, but they’re a necessary evil. The proposal is the final push before our client signs on the dotted…

The Foolish Road of Steve Jobs and how it can work for you

The Foolish Road of Steve Jobs and how it can work for you

I found out this morning, as did many of us, that Steve Jobs had died. It saddened me and to be honest I wasn’t really sure why. Although I love…

Technostress – The Freelancers Disease?

Technostress – The Freelancers Disease?