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Speckyboy Author

Dana Kachan (5 Articles)

5 Major Motion Graphic Trends to Look Out For

5 Major Motion Graphic Trends to Look Out For

Motion graphics oftentimes present a chance to step out of the ordinary and let your imagination go wild. In the context of graphic design, they are oftentimes used to strengthen…

How Are In-App Gestures Shaping User Experience?

How Are In-App Gestures Shaping User Experience?

Remember the time when hovering and clicking using the mouse were the most used triggers for interaction with a website or mobile app? Forget about those days. The game changed…

Emotionally Intelligent Design: Your Mobile App Needs a Soul

Emotionally Intelligent Design: Your Mobile App Needs a Soul

We have paid a lot of attention to the functional layer of technology, slightly forgetting about its emotional one. Technology is constantly integrating into every aspect of our lives. Emotionally…

AI-Driven Design: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping UI/UX Design

AI-Driven Design: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping UI/UX Design

Artificial intelligence has started entering our era quicker than imagined and found its place in many industries. UX design is no exception.

6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019

6 M-Commerce Design Practices to Help Improve Your Sales in 2019