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Speckyboy Author

Sufyan bin Uzayr (46 Articles)

Sufyan bin Uzayr writes for multiple publications and has also authored a book named Sufism: A Brief History. His primary areas of interest include open source, mobile development, web CMS and vector art. He is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of an e-journal named Brave New World. You can visit his website or friend him on Facebook.
Google Chrome Becomes the World’s Favorite Web Browser

Google Chrome Becomes the World’s Favorite Web Browser

This past week, Google Chrome overtook Internet Explorer to become the most used web browser in the world (well, at least for a day). While calculating the exact figures when…

Cookie Consent – an Open Source Solution to EU Cookie Law

Cookie Consent – an Open Source Solution to EU Cookie Law

Few weeks ago, we covered the European Union’s Cookie Law, and its implications on websites based in Europe. Thereafter, we have also covered the reactions to the said law. In…