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Speckyboy Author

Obinwanne Hill (4 Articles)

Obinwanne Hill is the founder and CEO of Restive, a software and services company building cool stuff to make the Web better. He's currently on a noble quest to make every Web thingamajig mobile-friendly, fast, and intelligent. Connect with him via Twitter.
The Big CSS Media Query Mistake

The Big CSS Media Query Mistake

Do you ever feel weird when everyone around you is doing something you would ordinarily think is wrong [or not quite ideal at the very least], but somehow no one…

How to Make Any Website Responsive with Restive.JS

How to Make Any Website Responsive with Restive.JS

We introduce a new process for quickly and easily making any website responsive using a web design framework called RestiveJS.

Responsive Web Design with Less Code

Responsive Web Design with Less Code

The Art of Building a website is a noble but challenging one. It got even more challenging after the advent of the mobile device. I can still remember quite vividly…

Easy Responsive Web Design with the Restive jQuery Plugin

Easy Responsive Web Design with the Restive jQuery Plugin