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Speckyboy Author

Nataly Birch (71 Articles)

Nataly is a web developer from Sevastopol, Ukraine with a passion for WordPress and IT writing. She runs her own blog where she shares helpful stuff, articles and tutorials.
Send Holiday Cheer with these Pure CSS Christmas Code Snippets

Send Holiday Cheer with these Pure CSS Christmas Code Snippets

All of these pure CSS Christmas code snippets are perfect for spreading some holiday cheer on your website or application.

13 Incredible Code Snippets Inspired by Music

13 Incredible Code Snippets Inspired by Music

The soul of a developer is painted like the wings of a butterfly. It is always full of bright ideas, brilliant findings, unique solutions, marvellous tricks and pioneering experiments. Not…

How Close-Up Portraits Bring Humanity to Web Design

How Close-Up Portraits Bring Humanity to Web Design

Let’s be honest. Sometimes, we are missing the human touch on the web. No one is arguing with the fact that the modern user interfaces are a feast for the…

Set Your Text in Motion with These Dazzling Effects

Set Your Text in Motion with These Dazzling Effects

The trend of setting text in motion rules these days. You can’t help but follow the madness and develop an obsession of injecting life into your typography.

Attack of the Blob-Based Animated Backgrounds in Web Design

Attack of the Blob-Based Animated Backgrounds in Web Design

We’ve created this collection of HTML, CSS & JavaScript snippets that will show you how to build your own animated blob-shaped animation background.

10 Coded Animated Scenes for Halloween Design Inspiration

10 Coded Animated Scenes for Halloween Design Inspiration

If you have been hunting around for some Halloween design ideas and inspiration, we have created a collection of animated scenes to help you out. Some of them may give…

12 Fantastic Examples of Incorporating Lines in Web Design

12 Fantastic Examples of Incorporating Lines in Web Design

There are many tiny trends in web design these days. We have already discussed lonely but eye-catching mouse tails, manipulations of the mouse cursor and triangles as decor. Each month…

The Yummy Visual Identity of Food Brands

The Yummy Visual Identity of Food Brands

The visual identities of food brands are an amazing area of design to explore. It is incredibly diversified and multi-faceted, serving as a fantastic source of inspiration.

The Hamburger & Mega-Menu Combination Design Trend

The Hamburger & Mega-Menu Combination Design Trend

Hamburger icons are everywhere. They carved a niche for themselves without any intention to leave us anytime soon. Hate it, love it – just deal with it. Much like the…

Exploring the Beauty and Power of Volumetric Backgrounds in Web Design

Exploring the Beauty and Power of Volumetric Backgrounds in Web Design

Being ingenious products of designer creativity and remarkable development skills, digitally created animations have run the show several years in the row. Do you remember all of those scenes that…

Out of the Way: Corner Navigation in Web Design

Out of the Way: Corner Navigation in Web Design