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Speckyboy Author

Tim Noetzel (2 Articles)

Tim Noetzel is a full-stack product designer passionate about data-driven design. He's been leading design teams at startups in Boston for over 10 years, and currently serves as Director of Product Design at Swish. You can follow him on Twitter.
How We Can Improve UX Education in 2019

How We Can Improve UX Education in 2019

2018 was a banner year for UX education. With an increasing barrage of conferences, bootcamps, meetups, and mentoring, it became easier than ever for new designers to learn the trade….

How to Use Dwell Time to Unlock Better Conversion Rates

How to Use Dwell Time to Unlock Better Conversion Rates

Over the past few years, landing page design has become an industry in its own right, complete with an abundance of tools, courses, templates, and “hacks” for getting it right….