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Dynamically Filtering Layouts with Isotope & Bootstrap

Dynamically Filtering Layouts with Isotope & Bootstrap

I’m sure pretty much anyone who makes websites has stumbled upon jQuery Masonry at some point or other. Some people haven’t though, so here’s what Masonry is – it’s a…

How to Make Any Website Responsive with Restive.JS

How to Make Any Website Responsive with Restive.JS

We introduce a new process for quickly and easily making any website responsive using a web design framework called RestiveJS.

Building a Simple Reddit API Webapp Using jQuery

Building a Simple Reddit API Webapp Using jQuery

The growing number of 3rd party APIs has created a tremendous group of enthusiastic developers. But without time to research documentation, this leaves some people curious without any means to…

Cut Your Page’s Loading Time In Half With Some Simple jQuery

Cut Your Page’s Loading Time In Half With Some Simple jQuery

It is a popular trend at the moment to use almost full-page high-resolution super-large images on your portfolio, which does work effectively as it focuses the user on your best…

Coding a Vimeo API Instant Search App with jQuery

Coding a Vimeo API Instant Search App with jQuery

In this tutorial, we show you how to build a small Vimeo API instant search web app, creating the front-end with jQuery and the backend on PHP.

How to Create a Basic jQuery Tooltip Plugin

How to Create a Basic jQuery Tooltip Plugin

If you have had anything to do with web development of late, you hardly need an introduction to either jQuery or jQuery plugins. In fact, jQuery plugins have become so…

How to Create Lazy-Loading Images for Your Website with jQuery

How to Create Lazy-Loading Images for Your Website with jQuery

Learn how to quickly implement lazy-loading images on your website with a jQuery plugin and customize it according to your needs with this tutorial.

How to Build a Sliding One Page Portfolio with jQuery

How to Build a Sliding One Page Portfolio with jQuery

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an interesting sliding one page portfolio with jQuery.

How to Scroll to an Internal Link with jQuery

How to Scroll to an Internal Link with jQuery

One-page scrolling sites have experienced huge growth in popularity in web design in recent years. Although this type of site isn’t for everyone, it is still useful to know how…

Hoverizr – An In-Depth View of the jQuery Plugin

Hoverizr – An In-Depth View of the jQuery Plugin

As a web designer, from time to time, you may need to make a grayscale image fade into color on mouseover. So the typical solution would be to have each…

Things You Have to Consider When Designing for Mobile

Things You Have to Consider When Designing for Mobile