Beautiful Corporate Identities for Your Inspiration


Any means of communication, whether that be business cards or letterheads, or any means of advertising, such as posters and brochure, or any digital media representation, such as a website or an application, comes under the title of brand or corporate identity. As you can imagine, creating and maintaining a consistent brand identity across all mediums can be a monumental task, but that hasn’t stopped many talented designers carving out creative identities for their corporate clients.

So, keeping that in mind we ventured out and discovered some recent corporate identities that we regard as remarkable. They each successfully combine creativity with discipline, while at the same time effectively representing their brands. Truly inspirational.

Motion Birth Identity by Maria Grønlund

screenshot of Motion Birth colors and splash screen corporate identities
Motion Birth Colors

screenshot of Motion Birth Logotype brand corporate identities
Motion Birth Logotype

Motion Birth Stationery identity
Motion Birth Stationery

Motion Birth Identity →

Watercolor Veggies for Holli Thompson Branding by Marta Spendowska

Watercolor Veggies colors logo business cards corporate identities
Watercolor Veggies Business Cards

Watercolor Veggies colors logo business cards corporate identity
Watercolor Veggies Close-up

Motion Birth Identity →

Cate Corp – Logotype & Stationery Design by Chris Bernay

Cate Corp Logotype stationery Design identity
Cate Corp Logotype

Cate Corp Color Pallette Design brand identity
Cate Corp Color Pallette

Cate Corp Stationery Design brand identity
Cate Corp Stationery

Cate Corp Brand Identity →

Molt Corporate Identity by Bruno do Nascimento

Molt Logotype stationery Design identity
Molt Logotype

Molt Corporate Identity stationery Design identity
Molt Stationery

Molt Corporate Identity stationery Design identity
Molt Mobile App

Molt Corporate Identity →

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